CUDPP 1.1 File Reference

CUDA kernel methods for basic operations on vectors. More...

#include "cudpp_util.h"
#include "sharedmem.h"
#include "cudpp.h"


Vector Functions

CUDA kernel methods for basic operations on vectors.

template<class T >
__global__ void vectorAddConstant (T *d_vector, T constant, int n, int baseIndex)
 Adds a constant value to all values in the input d_vector.
template<class T >
__global__ void vectorAddUniform (T *d_vector, const T *d_uniforms, int numElements, int blockOffset, int baseIndex)
 Add a uniform value to each data element of an array.
template<class T , CUDPPOperator op, int elementsPerThread>
__global__ void vectorAddUniform4 (T *d_vector, const T *d_uniforms, int numElements, int vectorRowPitch, int uniformRowPitch, int blockOffset, int baseIndex)
 Add a uniform value to each data element of an array (vec4 version)
template<class T >
__global__ void vectorAddVector (T *d_vectorA, const T *d_vectorB, int numElements, int baseIndex)
 Adds together two vectors.
template<class T , CUDPPOperator oper, bool isLastBlockFull>
__global__ void vectorSegmentedAddUniform4 (T *d_vector, const T *d_uniforms, const unsigned int *d_maxIndices, unsigned int numElements, int blockOffset, int baseIndex)
 Add a uniform value to data elements of an array (vec4 version)
template<class T , CUDPPOperator oper, bool isLastBlockFull>
__global__ void vectorSegmentedAddUniformToRight4 (T *d_vector, const T *d_uniforms, const unsigned int *d_minIndices, unsigned int numElements, int blockOffset, int baseIndex)
 Add a uniform value to data elements of an array (vec4 version)

Detailed Description

CUDA kernel methods for basic operations on vectors.

CUDA kernel methods for basic operations on vectors.


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