CUDPP 1.1 File Reference

CUDPP application-level scan routines. More...

#include "cudpp.h"
#include "cudpp_util.h"
#include "cudpp_plan.h"
#include "cudpp_globals.h"
#include "kernel/"
#include <cutil.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <assert.h>


Segmented Scan Functions
void cudppSegmentedScanDispatch (void *d_out, const void *d_idata, const unsigned int *d_iflags, int numElements, const CUDPPSegmentedScanPlan *plan)
 Dispatch function to perform a scan (prefix sum) on an array with the specified configuration.
Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiply Functions
template<class T >
void sparseMatrixVectorMultiply (T *d_y, const T *d_x, const CUDPPSparseMatrixVectorMultiplyPlan *plan)
 Perform matrix-vector multiply for sparse matrices and vectors of arbitrary size.
void allocSparseMatrixVectorMultiplyStorage (CUDPPSparseMatrixVectorMultiplyPlan *plan, const void *A, const unsigned int *rowindx, const unsigned int *indx)
 Allocate intermediate product, flags and rowFindx (index of the last element of each row) array .
void freeSparseMatrixVectorMultiplyStorage (CUDPPSparseMatrixVectorMultiplyPlan *plan)
 Deallocate intermediate product, flags and rowFindx (index of the last element of each row) array .
void cudppSparseMatrixVectorMultiplyDispatch (void *d_y, const void *d_x, const CUDPPSparseMatrixVectorMultiplyPlan *plan)
 Dispatch function to perform a sparse matrix-vector multiply with the specified configuration.

Detailed Description

CUDPP application-level scan routines.

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