cudpp.cpp File Reference

Main library source file. Implements wrappers for public interface. More...

#include "cudpp.h"
#include "cudpp_plan_manager.h"
#include "cudpp_scan.h"
#include "cudpp_segscan.h"
#include "cudpp_compact.h"
#include "cudpp_spmvmult.h"
#include "cudpp_radixsort.h"
#include "cudpp_rand.h"


Algorithm Interface
CUDPP_DLL CUDPPResult cudppScan (CUDPPHandle planHandle, void *d_out, const void *d_in, size_t numElements)
 Performs a scan operation of numElements on its input in GPU memory (d_in) and places the output in GPU memory (d_out), with the scan parameters specified in the plan pointed to by planHandle.
CUDPP_DLL CUDPPResult cudppSegmentedScan (CUDPPHandle planHandle, void *d_out, const void *d_idata, const unsigned int *d_iflags, size_t numElements)
 Performs a segmented scan operation of numElements on its input in GPU memory (d_idata) and places the output in GPU memory (d_out), with the scan parameters specified in the plan pointed to by planHandle.
CUDPP_DLL CUDPPResult cudppMultiScan (CUDPPHandle planHandle, void *d_out, const void *d_in, size_t numElements, size_t numRows)
 Performs numRows parallel scan operations of numElements each on its input (d_in) and places the output in d_out, with the scan parameters set by config. Exactly like cudppScan except that it runs on multiple rows in parallel.
CUDPP_DLL CUDPPResult cudppCompact (CUDPPHandle planHandle, void *d_out, size_t *d_numValidElements, const void *d_in, const unsigned int *d_isValid, size_t numElements)
 Given an array d_in and an array of 1/0 flags in deviceValid, returns a compacted array in d_out of corresponding only the "valid" values from d_in.
CUDPP_DLL CUDPPResult cudppSort (CUDPPHandle planHandle, void *d_keys, void *d_values, int keyBits, size_t numElements)
 Sorts key-value pairs or keys only.
CUDPP_DLL CUDPPResult cudppSparseMatrixVectorMultiply (CUDPPHandle sparseMatrixHandle, void *d_y, const void *d_x)
 Perform matrix-vector multiply y = A*x for arbitrary sparse matrix A and vector x.
CUDPP_DLL CUDPPResult cudppRand (CUDPPHandle planHandle, void *d_out, size_t numElements)
 Rand puts numElements random 32-bit elements into d_out.
CUDPP_DLL CUDPPResult cudppRandSeed (const CUDPPHandle planHandle, unsigned int seed)
 Sets the seed used for rand.

Detailed Description

Main library source file. Implements wrappers for public interface.


Main library source file. Implements wrappers for public interface. These wrappers call application-level operators. As this grows we may decide to partition into multiple source files.

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