CUDPP  2.3
CUDA Data-Parallel Primitives Library File Reference

CUDPP application-level suffix array routines. More...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "cuda_util.h"
#include "cudpp_globals.h"
#include "cudpp.h"
#include "cudpp_util.h"
#include "cudpp_plan.h"
#include "moderngpu.cuh"
#include "cub/cub.cuh"
#include "kernel/sa_kernel.cuh"


Suffix Array Functions
void KeyValueSort (unsigned int num_elements, unsigned int *d_keys, unsigned int *d_values)
 Radix Sort kernel from NVlab cub library. More...
void ComputeSA (unsigned int *d_str, unsigned int *d_keys_sa, size_t str_length, mgpu::CudaContext &context, CUDPPSaPlan *plan, unsigned int offset, unsigned int stage)
 Perform Suffix Array (SA) using skew algorithm. More...
void allocSaStorage (CUDPPSaPlan *plan)
 Allocate intermediate arrays used by suffix array. More...
void freeSaStorage (CUDPPSaPlan *plan)
 Deallocate intermediate block arrays in a CUDPPSaPlan object. More...
void cudppSuffixArrayDispatch (void *d_str, unsigned int *d_keys_sa, size_t d_str_length, CUDPPSaPlan *plan)
 Dispatch function to perform parallel suffix array on a string with the specified configuration. More...

Detailed Description

CUDPP application-level suffix array routines.