Todo List

Currently ignored.

Member cudppCompact (CUDPPHandle planHandle, void *d_out, size_t *d_numValidElements, const void *d_in, const unsigned int *d_isValid, size_t numElements)

[MJH] We need to evaluate whether cudppCompact should be a core member of the public interface. It's not clear to me that what the user always wants is a final compacted array. Often one just wants the array of indices to which each input element should go in the output. The split() routine used in radix sort might make more sense to expose.

Return more specific errors.

Return more specific errors.

Member CUDPPCompactPlan::CUDPPCompactPlan (CUDPPConfiguration config, size_t numElements, size_t numRows, size_t rowPitch)
Add support for multirow compaction

Member cudppMultiScan (CUDPPHandle planHandle, void *d_out, const void *d_in, size_t numElements, size_t numRows)
Return more specific errors

Member cudppPlan (CUDPPHandle *planHandle, CUDPPConfiguration config, size_t numElements, size_t numRows, size_t rowPitch)
: implement cudppReduce()

Member cudppRand (CUDPPHandle planHandle, void *d_out, size_t numElements)

Currently only MD5 PRNG is supported. We may provide more rand routines in the future.

Return more specific errors

Return more specific errors

Member cudppScan (CUDPPHandle planHandle, void *d_out, const void *d_in, size_t numElements)
Return more specific errors

Member cudppSegmentedScan (CUDPPHandle planHandle, void *d_out, const void *d_idata, const unsigned int *d_iflags, size_t numElements)
Return more specific errors

Member cudppSort (CUDPPHandle planHandle, void *d_keys, void *d_values, int keyBits, size_t numElements)

Determine if we need to provide an "out of place" sort interface.

Return more specific errors.

Return more specific errors.

Member cudppSparseMatrixVectorMultiply (CUDPPHandle sparseMatrixHandle, void *d_y, const void *d_x)
Return more specific errors.

Parameterize this in case this perf detail changes on future GPUs.

Member launchRandMD5Kernel (unsigned int *d_out, unsigned int seed, size_t numElements)
: chose a better block size, perhaps a multiple of two is optimal

Member rank4 (uint4 preds)
is the description of "preds" correct?

Member reorderData (uint *outKeys, uint *outValues, uint2 *keys, uint2 *values, uint *blockOffsets, uint *offsets, uint *sizes, uint numElements, uint totalBlocks)
Args that are const below should be prototyped as const

Member vectorAddConstant (T *d_vector, T constant, int n, int baseIndex)
Test this function -- it is currently not yet used.

Member vectorAddVector (T *d_vectorA, const T *d_vectorB, int numElements, int baseIndex)
Test this function -- it is currently not yet used.
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